Album vs Single
When people download music do they usually download and entire album or just a single from that album?
Obviously if you buy the CD in a store you get the entire thing but with the advent of digital music downloads that option is no longer the only option.
What about the idea of releasing a single in anticipation of the entire CD coming out at a later date. I mean heck, most radio station only play one song from a full CD anyhow.
~can't wait for the tale tunes!
Non-musical theatre related music, I will only buy songs I've already heard. Or sometimes I will just listen to them on Rhapsody, rather than actually buying them.
If I *know* I am going to buy the album later on, I won't bother with the single, I'll just wait for the whole cd.
Also, I agree with Linda, and would gladly go for the Cheerios jingle. =D