Get Fit With Me


So here are some of the basics about the Get Fit With Me challenge that I'm launching and why I'm doing it.

There's no question that after my wife and I had our first child...our lives changed drastically. Having children is amazing to say the least and quite frankly I can't believe we waiting so long. But careers in the Entertainment Industry are demanding and in short I'm glad that we finally decided to do so...times two now.

That said, as any parent knows, your life quickly becomes focused on your children.  Caring for them, providing for them, enjoying them.  And for me I began to forget about taking care of myself.  In the four plus years since we had our first child I can count on two hands the number of times I've been to the gym (and folks...I have a gym in my HOUSE!!!)

Here's the deal.  I want to enjoy my kids and watch them grow.  This is a little dark here but I realized If I'm not HERE to provide for them...well you get the picture.  My responsibility to care for them and provide for them extends to myself as well.  

Everyone has different responsibilities and different ways of life.  You might not have kids, you might not be married, you might be in college.  But here's the bottom line.  We all must take the responsibility to care for ourselves and no one can do that for you but you.

I need to get healthier.  I need to eat better, take the right supplements, exercise and get proper sleep.  If I don't, I'm not functioning at full capacity.  In turn I'm compromising not only my body but my ability to work at a high level and in turn and most importantly care and provide for my kids and family.

So I decided to start this Get Fit With Me Challenge and invite anyone out there who has a mind to get healthier to join me on the journey.

I've done a great deal of research.  I've consulted with people in the health and fitness field many of whom I will be interviewing on my radio show. Together we've found some great products and exercise programs that work incredible well.  I am using many of them to supplement and enhance my quest.

My disclaimer here:  Before you start any fitness program consult your doctor.  I'm not a doctor nor a fitness expert.  I are merely telling you what is working for me and make no promises, claims or guarantees.  Again...You are responsible for YOU.

I will, however, be sharing all of the above with you while consulting with different experts, celebrity fitness trainers and nutrition experts.  And I want you to share your goals, ideas, and obstacles with us/me as we forge ahead.  I want to create a Get Fit With Me TEAM and support each other as we move forward. 

I know some of you have might never have worked out before and that's fine.  One step at a time.  So don't worry...what works for you works for you.  We start with something small, a walk during lunch, eat more veggies...stop eating the doughnuts.  

And for those of you P90X and INSANITY folks...well go for it.  

Everyone as their own pace and ability.  Stay within yours and grow. You get the idea.

In the end I'm going to have a random drawing.  I don't want there to be a winner in the way that; "So and so lost more weight than the other person."  

The goal is movement and taking those first few steps toward getting healthier and that's why the drawing is random and will be chosen from all of those who really and I mean really participate. 

That person will win a pair of tickets to the new show that I'm doing (the one where I play a boxer...and will be announced VERY soon).  Plus some other cool stuff.

I'm going to set up some web pages where you'll be able to find the products I'm using to get healthier. 

And folks...just so you are aware...I'm not getting anything free nor am I getting any sponsorship or endorsements from any of the companies we'll be recommending.  I'm paying for everything that I'm using just like anyone else would.

We'll just be bringing to you what we found has worked the best for us/me.

So let's go on this journey together.  Heck even if you aren't chosen at'll still have the greater benefits of changing your life and making that step toward a healthier existence.

So who wants to Get Fit With Me?


Anonymous said…
I think I'm in. :)
Annie Bonner said…
Wow -- perfect timing! I actually just bought a juicer and a bike this week. Having the same thoughts about wanting to be in it for the long haul with the family. And it's in our early fourties where we find that we really can't keep living on pizza and 2 hours of sleep and no exercize. The body starts to rebel.

Just watched a super-motivating film on Netflix called "Fat, Sick and Almost Dead". In spite of the negative title, it was actually incredibly uplifting and inspiring.

So yes, I'm in! It will be great to read your posts and hear from your guests. Good luck!
LEason said…
How did you post this? Using my google account and I can't seem to post. Help?
The Wandering Texan said…
I'm in! I need to get out of the non-fitness funk I fell into a few years ago.
Cait Hynes said…
I'm in! I've fallen into some bad habits since Sandy hit (was hard to think about eating right when you don't have a fridge...) so it is time for a fresh start!
LEason said…
Congrats James on your 12 pound loss - my hubby lost 14 pounds in two weeks and I am stuck at just a 3 pound loss - I blame it on a man's faster metabolism - ugh - still plugging away. How is everyone doing?

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