Photo Call for A Tale of Two Cities
As you may or may not be aware, all those great photos that are used in promotion for a show are usually put together during a “photo call”.
Today will be the “photo call” for James Barbour and the rest of the cast of A Tale of Two Cities. Here is what he says:
“Today is Photo Call. Carol Rosegg, one of the best photographers I've ever had the pleasure to work with, is shooting the still shots of the show. Our publicist, Judy Jacksina, has created a ‘shot list’ of various scenes in the show which she wants to capture and Carol will be the one to shoot them.
“The cast will be in costume and make-up and we'll ‘stage’ the shots so that Carol can better actualize them on digital media. Carol has taken many live shots during the run through of the show (some of these can be seen from the Sarasota run of TALE and more of the Broadway shots will be out soon) but these new photographs will be staged so that we're sure that the final result is the best.
“Last night was our second preview... the audiences continue to amaze me!”
Today will be the “photo call” for James Barbour and the rest of the cast of A Tale of Two Cities. Here is what he says:
“Today is Photo Call. Carol Rosegg, one of the best photographers I've ever had the pleasure to work with, is shooting the still shots of the show. Our publicist, Judy Jacksina, has created a ‘shot list’ of various scenes in the show which she wants to capture and Carol will be the one to shoot them.
“The cast will be in costume and make-up and we'll ‘stage’ the shots so that Carol can better actualize them on digital media. Carol has taken many live shots during the run through of the show (some of these can be seen from the Sarasota run of TALE and more of the Broadway shots will be out soon) but these new photographs will be staged so that we're sure that the final result is the best.
“Last night was our second preview... the audiences continue to amaze me!”