Saturday Night

Getting ready for tomorrow night.  Julia and Rebecca will be there.  So excited.

We've also gotten posters in which we'll have for sale.  They'll carry us through March as well.  They look great!

I'm thinking about adding some 80's pop tunes done a bit more legit.  I always joke about the music I grew up on so I'm gonna do some of it.

Jeremy and I were toying with "Babe" from STYX.  I don't know why but that song always hit me. Dennis' voice just has that ring to it when he sings.  Pretty amazing.  Maybe "Open Arms" form Journey.  

More great stuff.  And maybe even "Before I Gaze At You Again" from Camelot.  I know it's a woman's tune but it's so beautiful.

At any rate, I'm keeping some of the powerful tunes but add many more as we go along.  So, you'll see different shows each night.  

I'm going to announce my first March guest tomorrow night.  She...yes!


Artistic1 said…
"Babe" and "Lady" have always been my faves from Styx...and yes, there is something about the way Dennis sings it that just evokes a certain emotion...
"Open Arms", together with "Faithfully", from Journey, have always carried such feeling, for me. I hope you include some of these in your "Love Songs" CD, "Open Arms" or "Babe", maybe.
Others from Styx with great lyrics that I found: "If You Love Me", and "Faith".
I'm sure I can come up with more :)
Artistic1 said…
BIG correction to make...sorry I confusedly stated "Styx lyrics", when I meant Air Supply!

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