Military Wonders
So as I mentioned a couple of days ago, December 24th was a big day at Sardis.

Not only was it Christmas eve day but we also invited military and their families to come to the show for free. My father-in-law was there to greet those who came and we had a nice turn out.

One gentleman traveled all the way from Washington DC to spend the day in NY with his wife who had never visited to city. They found out about the concerts and stopped by. Here are a couple of the guys with the General.
It was so wonderful to be able to share like that. They gave to us and we gave back. I like that reciprocity thing.
Santa actually showed up at the end of the show and passed out candy canes to folks in the audience.
Today is a planning day. We're working on some new ideas for the future and pushing through some marketing for the last four shows at Sardis.
By the way, for those of you who have not signed up on my website for the newsletter, we sent one out yesterday. We made a nice offer to "friends and family" for the last four shows. Since our premium seats are basically SOLD OUT we've decided to make a little offer on the remaining regular priced seats.
Now through January 4th we've set up a special discount code for those on the blog and those who have signed up for my newsletter. By using this code you'll get $10 off the regular $45 ticket.
The discount code is: SNOW and you just have to type it in before you choose the date you want to see the show.
We're also going to be adding another special guest, Gregory Generet. Gregory is a terrific Jazz singer who I met when I did the FOX News Strategy Room last week. He actually stopped by yesterday and sang a tune too. Great guy, great voice. We haven't picked his day yet...but we'll know soon.
I also think the song line up is going to change up a bit r the last four shows. We're going to take out a couple of the "Holiday" tunes and replace them with some more Broadway songs. Most likely some additional standards from shows that I have done in the past.
So log on and use the discount code: SNOW Click Me
I just read your blog about calling your parents to say hi. You also mentioned it at your show and that really hit home with me. After my dad died I wanted to pick the phone to say hi and had to stop myself, remember he had passed away, and just sit and reflect on that empty feeling. I know how painful it is. We are grateful we have our children, spouses and, in my case, a sweet granddaughter, but it is still an important time for us to remember those who have passed away and think about all they did for us. After all, our parents made us who we are today. Thanks for caring so much about family and friends.
See you 1/3.
I just wanted to drop you a comment letting you know how much your concert meant to me. I was one of the AMDA students you let in on the night of your first show. My flight home had just been cancelled, so you can imagine how down I was feeling.
I can't express in this short space how happy you made me, made all of us. It is no small thing to feel welcome and warm in New York, especially in times as uncertain and cold (literally and figuratively) as these. And you made us feel that. The happiness you gave us simply by letting us come in and watch you sing was incomparable. I felt at home, and for the first time since moving to the city, I knew without a doubt that I was in the right place. My friends felt the same - we wordlessly joined hands halfway through the show, only letting go to applaud. It was like being home, with exponentially better singing (no offense meant, Uncle David). Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity, and for taking the time to chat with us afterwards. I cannot imagine what the same gesture would feel like for a serviceman, or for someone completely unable to go home. I can only hope one day to be able to do for someone else what you did for us, and to inspire someone else as you have inspired me.
May your days be merry and bright! And have a happy New Year!
Thank you once again,
I promise to keep the camera locked away until after the show.